WWII Jeep Restoration - 1942 Willys Jeep

Follow my journey through restoring a piece of history... The mistakes, tears, successes, and laughs.

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Location: Arizona, United States

Friday, September 22, 2006

In the beginning...


Welcome, I started this blog to document the restoration of my 1942 Willys Jeep. I have been a WWII collector since I was 12 and this is my first vehicle. I am now working with some friends to start a movie consulting business to provide consulting, military vehicles, uniforms, and trained personnel. So once the Jeep is restored it will be used in film projects (No not the one that gets blown up) as well as living history displays and reenactments.

Supporting the project:
Of course feel free to support my project by clicking on the AdSense advertisments and indulging in whatever Google has to offer today.

Until the Morrow...


Blogger lorieruskin said...

Hi there. We have a bunch of 1942 Willys MB Jeep parts (including an insanely good tub) that we just put for sale on the Redding craigslist.

Perhaps there is something that you need. We have been collecting the parts for a restoration of a jeep that's been civilianized but we are selling it all before our move. Hope this helps.

Lorie R.

2:47 PM  
Blogger lorieruskin said...

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2:47 PM  

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